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Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Promo Cards

When it comes to Sailor Moon and free swag, the 1990’s was truly a glorious time for fans who love promo merch. Almost every collaboration that Sailor Moon had ensured that there would be free gifts. One of the most popular promo gifts in the 90’s were trading cards and sometimes coasters. Since my favorite idol group, Three Lights, is getting a resurgence of popularity from Sailor Moon Cosmos, I thought it would be fun to have an update on Sailor Moon Sailor Stars promo trading cards.

Aiko Animation Sailor Stars VCD Bromides Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Nichiryo Cards Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Marumiya Coasters

Updated to the Gallery are the following 1990’s trading cards swag:

  • Sailor Moon x Nichiryo: Nichiryo is a food company in Japan, best known for their packaged bread and pastries. In 1996, they gifted fans with two Sailor Moon Sailor Stars prism cards; both with exclusive illustrations. I scanned in the pastry wrapper and cards. I do not have the seals however, that were bonuses. You can view the seals at Minnicards. The Nichiryo promo cards these days are extremely rare and can cost quite a bit to obtain.

  • Sailor Stars Aiko Animation VCD Bromides: Aiko Animation, the distributor of Sailor Moon Cantonese dub in Hong Kong, included promo bromides in the release of the Sailor Stars VCDs. These are thick glossy cards that were not for sale. To obtain one, you must buy a Sailor Stars VCD and it would be included inside. Not all Sailor Stars VCD included bromides. Out of 17 VCD volumes, only 10 would have bromides. These days, the bromides are impossible to find.

  • Sailor Moon x Marumiya Curry: Marumiya company had multiple collaborations with Sailor Moon; Each time, fans were guaranteed trading cards or coasters. In 1996 and 1997, Marumiya released their Sailor Moon Sailor Stars curry boxes with promo coasters. The coasters are adorable and can be found pretty easily.